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What's new in Ruby 3?
What’s new in Ruby 3.0?

The recently released Ruby 3.0 was a long wait and surely every Ruby developer is pretty excited it’s finally here. Will it be better, faster, more correct, pleasant, with better features? Let’s ask our Spark Academy Special Guest – Bozhidar Batsov. He is a Hacker and Emacs fanatic, author of RuboCop, CIDER, Emacs Prelude, Projectile […]

COVID-19 response: well delivered online store for employees only

We wouldn’t be much of an E-Commerce consultancy if, in the times of the COVID-19 social distancing, we haven’t delivered all the necessities to our teammates working remotely. Using our own E-Commerce solution. So we have. Instead of roaming the streets, our teammates may use our online store to order a variety of home […]

Spark Academy 2020
Spark Academy 2020

Enroll now for Ruby on Rails & JS workshops with our Senior Developers, QAs and PMs on the hottest dev topics of 2020. Improve your skills, gain some experience, make new friends! It’s free but only the chosen ones shall pass. Spark Academy workshops are happening every second Thursday of the month at 18.30 (for […]

Spark Solutions at Hamburg Ruby UnConf 2019
Spark Solutions team attending the best Tech events around Europe

In spring and summer, 2019 Spark Solutions team attended a series of Tech Events in Europe. For many developers, it was a new and very refreshing experience. First of all, conferences and other such events are a great opportunity to find out about new trends and projects, not only in their everyday Tech Stack but […]

Spark Academy Ruby on Rails workshops
Spark Academy workshops for RoR devs

In October 2018 we launched the first edition of Spark Academy – a learning and skill sharing program for Ruby on Rails developers. Each workshop consisted of a theoretical introduction to the topic followed by a live coding session. Most of the times participants also got an optional home assignment to be submitted for review […]

Dev Heroes
DevHeroes Meetup #1: heroes are not born, they are self-made

DevHeroes meetup, a place to meet your fellow Developer, QA professional / Tester, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Project Manager, was hosted by Spark Solutions on September 19th, 2017, at Nowy Świat Muzyki in the heart of Warsaw. It was a time away from the keyboard, time for inspirational talks, chatting and networking with like-minded IT […]

Spark Project Handbook, seriously!

This is work in progress. By no means over. First iteration. Enjoy! If you can… 1. Our goal is to deliver WORKING software in STAGES or iterations for which we have an agreed scope, timeline and budget (Project Management Triple Constraint). It’s an iterative process of improvement, constant work in progress – Rome was not […]

ruby on rails
Sharing our knowledge with IT community at Rails Girls Białystok

Sharing knowledge and experience with the community Spark Solutions team is always eager to share their knowledge and experience with the IT community. In May 2016 two of our devs (Marta & Chris) volunteered to serve as mentors during Rails Girls workshops in Białystok (Northeast Poland). They devoted their free time (a whole weekend) to […]

New York Open Commerce Conf
Open Commerce Conf 2016 & multiple Spree success stories

The first Spree dedicated event since Spree Conf 2014 took place on June 28-29th in New York. Organized by Spark Solutions team, it was a 2-day event that connected developers and business people interested in eCommerce open source solutions. It was packed with real-life know-how, discussion, and Spree Commerce success stories. Followed by a lot […]

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